Dumbbell Tricep Kickbacks

Dumbbell Tricep Kickbacks are an arm exercise and primarily target the triceps brachii. To a lesser degree, they also work the posterior deltoids and the forearm muscles.



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The Dumbbell Tricep Kickback is a highly effective isolation exercise designed to target the triceps brachii, the muscle located on the back of the upper arm. This exercise is particularly beneficial for those looking to enhance the definition and strength of their triceps, contributing to overall arm aesthetics and upper body functionality. By extending the arm behind the body while maintaining a bent-over position, the Dumbbell Tricep Kickback ensures maximal engagement of the triceps throughout the movement. This exercise is versatile and can be easily incorporated into various training routines, making it a staple for anyone aiming to achieve hypertrophy and improved muscle endurance in the triceps.


How to Execute Dumbbell Tricep Kickbacks


  1. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, holding a dumbbell in each hand.
  2. Bend your knees slightly and hinge forward at the hips, keeping your back straight and your torso almost parallel to the floor.
  3. Keep your upper arms close to your body and bend your elbows to form a 90-degree angle. Your forearms should be perpendicular to the floor.


  1. Engage your core and keep your upper arms stationary as you extend your elbows, pushing the dumbbells back until your arms are fully extended.
  2. Squeeze your triceps at the top of the movement, ensuring your arms are straight but not locked out.
  3. Slowly return to the starting position by bending your elbows to bring the dumbbells back to the 90-degree angle.
  4. Repeat for the desired number of repetitions.


  1. After completing your set, carefully stand up straight while holding the dumbbells.
  2. Place the dumbbells back on the rack or on the floor with a controlled motion.
  3. Take a moment to stretch your triceps and shoulders to aid in recovery.

Discover More Triceps Exercises

There are many other triceps exercises that you can use in your training