Wide-Grip Seated Rows

Wide-Grip Seated Rows are a back exercise and primarily target the latissimus dorsi and rhomboids. To a lesser degree, they also work the biceps and rear deltoids.



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The Wide-Grip Seated Row is a fundamental exercise in strength training, particularly effective for developing the upper back muscles, including the latissimus dorsi, rhomboids, and trapezius. By utilizing a wider grip, this variation places greater emphasis on the upper back and rear deltoids, promoting balanced muscle development and improved posture. Ideal for both beginners and advanced lifters, the wide-grip seated row not only enhances back thickness and width but also contributes to overall upper body strength and stability. Incorporating this exercise into your routine can help correct muscular imbalances, reduce the risk of injury, and support a well-rounded hypertrophy program.


How to Perform Wide-Grip Seated Rows


  1. Sit down on the seated row machine and place your feet firmly on the foot platform, ensuring your knees are slightly bent.
  2. Grasp the wide-grip handle with both hands, using an overhand grip (palms facing down).
  3. Sit upright with your back straight and chest out. Engage your core to maintain a stable position.
  4. Extend your arms fully, allowing your shoulders to stretch forward while keeping your back straight.


  1. Begin the movement by retracting your shoulder blades (scapular retraction) to initiate the row.
  2. Pull the handle towards your upper abdomen, keeping your elbows flared out to the sides.
  3. Continue pulling until the handle is close to your torso, squeezing your shoulder blades together at the peak contraction.
  4. Pause briefly at the top of the movement to maximize muscle engagement.


  1. Slowly extend your arms back to the starting position, allowing your shoulder blades to protract (move apart).
  2. Maintain control of the weight throughout the entire range of motion.
  3. Repeat for the desired number of repetitions.

Discover More Rear Delts Exercises

There are many other rear delts exercises that you can use in your training