Cable Reverse Flyes

Cable Reverse Flyes are a shoulder exercise and primarily target the posterior deltoids. To a lesser degree, they also work the rhomboids and the middle trapezius.



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Cable Reverse Flyes are a highly effective isolation exercise designed to target the posterior deltoids, upper back, and rhomboids. Utilizing a cable machine, this movement provides constant tension throughout the range of motion, making it superior to free weight alternatives for muscle activation and hypertrophy. By incorporating Cable Reverse Flyes into your routine, you can enhance shoulder stability, improve posture, and achieve a more balanced and aesthetically pleasing upper body. This exercise is particularly beneficial for those looking to correct muscle imbalances caused by dominant anterior deltoids and pectoral muscles, ensuring a well-rounded shoulder development.


How to Execute Cable Reverse Flyes


  1. Position two cable pulleys at shoulder height.
  2. Attach single handle grips to each pulley.
  3. Stand in the center of the cable machine with your feet shoulder-width apart.
  4. Grasp the left handle with your right hand and the right handle with your left hand, crossing your arms in front of you.
  5. Step back slightly to create tension in the cables.
  6. Maintain a slight bend in your knees and hinge forward slightly at the hips, keeping your back straight.


  1. Begin with your arms crossed in front of you, palms facing inwards.
  2. With a slight bend in your elbows, pull the handles outward and backward in a reverse fly motion.
  3. Focus on squeezing your shoulder blades together as you pull the handles apart.
  4. Continue the motion until your arms are extended out to your sides, forming a "T" shape with your body.
  5. Pause briefly at the peak contraction, ensuring you feel the engagement in your rear deltoids and upper back.


  1. Slowly return to the starting position by allowing the handles to come back to the front, crossing your arms again.
  2. Maintain control of the movement to avoid letting the weights pull your arms back too quickly.
  3. Repeat for the desired number of repetitions.
  4. After completing your set, carefully release the handles and step away from the machine.

Discover More Rear Delts Exercises

There are many other rear delts exercises that you can use in your training