Pec Deck Machine

Also Known As
Chest Fly Machine
Machine Fly
Seated Chest Fly
Pec Deck Machine is a chest exercise and primarily targets the pectoralis major muscles. To a lesser degree, it also works the anterior deltoids and the triceps.


Exercise Rating

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The Pec Deck Machine, a staple in many gyms, is a specialized piece of equipment designed to isolate and target the pectoral muscles, specifically the pectoralis major. This machine provides a controlled and stable environment for performing chest fly movements, making it an excellent choice for both beginners and advanced lifters aiming to enhance chest hypertrophy. By allowing for a consistent range of motion and minimizing the involvement of secondary muscles, the Pec Deck Machine ensures that the pectorals are effectively engaged throughout the exercise. This focus on muscle isolation can lead to improved muscle activation and growth, making it a valuable addition to any strength training or bodybuilding regimen.


How to Execute Pec Deck Machine


  1. Adjust the seat height so that the handles are at chest level when you sit down.
  2. Sit on the seat with your back firmly against the pad.
  3. Place your feet flat on the floor, shoulder-width apart.
  4. Grasp the handles with a neutral grip (palms facing each other).
  5. Ensure your elbows are slightly bent and aligned with your shoulders.


  1. Begin by taking a deep breath and engaging your core.
  2. Slowly bring the handles together in front of your chest by contracting your pectoral muscles.
  3. Pause briefly at the peak contraction, ensuring your elbows remain slightly bent.
  4. Slowly return the handles to the starting position, allowing your chest muscles to stretch.
  5. Maintain control throughout the movement, avoiding any jerking or bouncing motions.


  1. Complete the desired number of repetitions.
  2. Carefully release the handles and stand up from the machine.
  3. Reset the machine for the next user if necessary.

Other Exercise Names

The exercise is also known as:

Chest Fly Machine
Machine Fly
Seated Chest Fly

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