Deficit Push-Ups

Deficit Push-Ups are a chest exercise and primarily target the pectoral muscles. To a lesser degree, they also work the triceps and anterior deltoids.


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Deficit Push-Ups are a powerful variation of the traditional push-up that significantly enhances upper body strength and hypertrophy, particularly targeting the chest, shoulders, and triceps. By elevating the hands on platforms or weights, this exercise increases the range of motion, thereby engaging the muscles more deeply and promoting greater muscle activation. This extended range not only challenges the pectoral muscles but also recruits stabilizing muscles, contributing to improved overall functional strength and stability. Ideal for intermediate to advanced trainees, Deficit Push-Ups can be seamlessly integrated into any upper body workout routine to break through plateaus and achieve superior muscle development.


How to Perform Deficit Push-Ups


  • Place two stable platforms or weight plates on the floor, spaced slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. The height of the platforms should be 2-6 inches, depending on your strength and flexibility.
  • Position yourself in a standard push-up position with your hands on the platforms and your feet together on the floor. Your body should form a straight line from your head to your heels.
  • Engage your core and glutes to maintain a neutral spine throughout the exercise.


  1. Inhale as you slowly lower your chest towards the floor, allowing your elbows to bend and your shoulders to move slightly forward. Lower yourself until your chest is below the level of your hands, creating a deficit.
  2. Pause briefly at the bottom of the movement to maximize muscle engagement.
  3. Exhale as you push through your palms to extend your elbows and return to the starting position. Ensure your body remains in a straight line throughout the movement.
  4. Repeat for the desired number of repetitions.


  • After completing your set, carefully step off the platforms and return to a standing position.
  • Perform any necessary stretches or mobility exercises to cool down and aid in recovery.

Discover More Chest Exercises

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