Wall Sits

Wall Sits are a lower body exercise and primarily target the quadriceps. To a lesser degree, they also work the glutes, hamstrings, and calves.



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Wall sits, also known as wall squats, are an isometric exercise that primarily targets the quadriceps, but also engages the glutes, hamstrings, and calves. This deceptively simple yet highly effective exercise involves holding a seated position against a wall, without the support of a chair, to build muscular endurance and strength. Wall sits are particularly beneficial for enhancing lower body stability and can be easily incorporated into any fitness routine, regardless of one's experience level. By maintaining a static position, wall sits help to improve muscle activation and endurance, making them an excellent addition to hypertrophy-focused training programs.


How to Perform Wall Sits


  1. Find a flat wall with enough space around it to perform the exercise safely.
  2. Stand with your back against the wall, feet shoulder-width apart, and about 2 feet away from the wall.


  1. Slowly slide your back down the wall until your thighs are parallel to the ground. Your knees should be directly above your ankles, forming a 90-degree angle.
  2. Keep your back flat against the wall and your core engaged. Ensure your head, shoulders, and upper back are in contact with the wall.
  3. Hold this position for the desired amount of time, typically starting with 20-30 seconds and gradually increasing as you build strength.
  4. Breathe steadily and focus on maintaining the position without letting your knees move inward or outward.


  1. To finish, slowly slide your back up the wall until you are standing upright again.
  2. Take a moment to shake out your legs and relax before repeating the exercise or moving on to your next activity.

Discover More Quads Exercises

There are many other quads exercises that you can use in your training