Sissy Squats

Sissy Squats are a lower body exercise and primarily target the quadriceps. To a lesser degree, they also work the hip flexors and core stabilizers.



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The sissy squat is a unique and highly effective exercise that targets the quadriceps, offering a distinctive approach to lower body hypertrophy. Unlike traditional squats, the sissy squat emphasizes knee extension and anterior chain development, making it an excellent addition to any leg day routine. By isolating the quads and minimizing hip involvement, this exercise can help create a more defined and muscular front thigh. Ideal for both beginners and advanced lifters, the sissy squat can be performed with body weight or added resistance, providing versatility and scalability to match your fitness level. Incorporating sissy squats into your regimen can enhance muscle symmetry, improve knee stability, and contribute to overall leg strength and aesthetics.


How to Perform Sissy Squats


  1. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. You can hold onto a stable object like a squat rack or a door frame for balance if needed.
  2. Keep your torso upright and engage your core muscles.
  3. Position your feet so that your heels are slightly elevated, either by standing on your toes or using a small platform.


  1. Begin by bending your knees and leaning your torso back while keeping your hips extended. Your knees should travel forward over your toes.
  2. Lower your body until your knees are fully bent and your thighs are almost parallel to the floor. Your torso should remain straight and your hips should not bend.
  3. Pause briefly at the bottom of the movement.
  4. Push through the balls of your feet to return to the starting position, straightening your knees and bringing your torso back to an upright position.


  1. Complete the desired number of repetitions.
  2. Carefully step off the platform or lower your heels back to the ground.
  3. Take a moment to stretch your quadriceps and ensure you have regained your balance before moving on to your next exercise.

Discover More Quads Exercises

There are many other quads exercises that you can use in your training