Barbell Squat, High Bar

Also Known As
Back Squat
Olympic Squat

The barbell high bar squat is a lower body exercise that primarily targets the quadriceps. To a lesser degree, it also works the glutes and the hamstrings.



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The Barbell Squat, High Bar, is a fundamental compound exercise that primarily targets the quadriceps, glutes, and hamstrings, while also engaging the core and lower back for stabilization. This variation of the squat involves positioning the barbell high on the trapezius muscles, just below the neck, which promotes a more upright torso during the movement. This upright posture shifts the emphasis towards the quadriceps, making it an excellent choice for those looking to enhance their lower body strength and hypertrophy. As a staple in strength training and bodybuilding routines, the High Bar Squat not only builds muscle mass but also improves overall functional fitness, balance, and coordination. Proper form and technique are crucial to maximize benefits and minimize the risk of injury.


How to Perform a High Bar Barbell Squat


  1. Position a barbell at about shoulder height on a squat rack.
  2. Step under the bar and place it across your upper traps, just below the base of your neck.
  3. Grip the bar with your hands slightly wider than shoulder-width apart.
  4. Stand up to lift the bar off the rack, taking a step back to clear the rack.
  5. Position your feet shoulder-width apart with toes slightly pointed out.
  6. Engage your core and keep your chest up.


  1. Begin the movement by pushing your hips back and bending your knees simultaneously.
  2. Lower yourself down while keeping your chest up and your back straight.
  3. Continue descending until your thighs are at least parallel to the ground or slightly below.
  4. Pause briefly at the bottom of the squat.
  5. Drive through your heels to push yourself back up to the starting position.
  6. Fully extend your hips and knees at the top of the movement.


  1. After completing your set, carefully step forward to re-rack the barbell.
  2. Ensure the barbell is securely placed back on the rack before releasing your grip.

Other Exercise Names

The exercise is also known as:

Back Squat
Olympic Squat

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