Resistance Band Curls

Also Known As
Banded Curls
Resistance Band Curls are an arm exercise and primarily target the biceps brachii. To a lesser degree, they also work the brachialis and brachioradialis.


Exercise Rating

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Resistance Band Curls are a versatile and effective exercise designed to target the biceps, making them an excellent addition to any hypertrophy-focused workout regimen. Utilizing resistance bands, this exercise provides a unique form of variable resistance that can enhance muscle activation and growth. Unlike traditional free weights, resistance bands offer continuous tension throughout the entire range of motion, which can lead to improved muscle engagement and strength gains. Additionally, resistance band curls are highly portable and can be performed virtually anywhere, making them a convenient option for those looking to build muscle without the need for extensive gym equipment. Whether you're a beginner or an advanced lifter, incorporating resistance band curls into your routine can help you achieve well-rounded bicep development.


How to Perform Resistance Band Curls


  1. Choose a resistance band with an appropriate level of tension for your strength level.
  2. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, and place the middle of the resistance band under your feet. Ensure the band is secure and evenly distributed.
  3. Hold the handles or ends of the resistance band with an underhand grip (palms facing up). Your arms should be fully extended by your sides, and your elbows should be close to your torso.


  1. Begin the movement by curling your hands towards your shoulders. Keep your elbows stationary and close to your body throughout the movement.
  2. Continue to curl the band until your biceps are fully contracted and your hands are at shoulder level. Hold the contraction for a brief moment, squeezing your biceps.
  3. Slowly lower your hands back to the starting position, fully extending your arms while maintaining control of the resistance band.
  4. Repeat for the desired number of repetitions.


  1. After completing your set, carefully release the tension on the resistance band by slowly lowering your hands to your sides.
  2. Step off the resistance band and place it in a safe location for future use.
  3. Perform any necessary stretches or cool-down exercises to help your muscles recover.

Other Exercise Names

The exercise is also known as:

Banded Curls

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