Calf Raises on a Step

Also Known As
Standing Calf Raises
Step Calf Raises
Calf Raises on a Step are a lower leg exercise and primarily target the gastrocnemius and soleus muscles of the calves. To a lesser degree, they also engage the muscles of the foot and ankle for stabilization.



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Calf Raises on a Step are a highly effective exercise designed to target and strengthen the gastrocnemius and soleus muscles of the lower leg. By incorporating a step, this variation allows for a greater range of motion, thereby enhancing muscle activation and promoting hypertrophy. This exercise not only contributes to the aesthetic development of well-defined calves but also plays a crucial role in improving lower body functionality, balance, and overall athletic performance. Whether you are a beginner or an advanced lifter, integrating Calf Raises on a Step into your routine can help you achieve robust and resilient calf muscles.


How to Execute Calf Raises on a Step


  1. Find a sturdy step or platform that is elevated and secure.
  2. Stand with the balls of your feet on the edge of the step, allowing your heels to hang off the edge.
  3. Keep your feet hip-width apart and maintain a slight bend in your knees.
  4. Hold onto a railing or wall for balance if needed.


  1. Begin by lowering your heels down towards the ground, feeling a stretch in your calf muscles.
  2. Pause briefly at the bottom of the movement.
  3. Press through the balls of your feet and raise your heels as high as possible, contracting your calf muscles at the top.
  4. Hold the top position for a moment to maximize the contraction.
  5. Slowly lower your heels back down to the starting position.
  6. Repeat for the desired number of repetitions.


  1. After completing your set, step off the platform carefully.
  2. Perform a gentle calf stretch to help with muscle recovery.

Other Exercise Names

The exercise is also known as:

Standing Calf Raises
Step Calf Raises

Discover More Calves Exercises

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