Calf Press on Leg Press Machine

Also Known As
Seated Calf Press
Leg Press Calf Raise
Calf Press on Leg Press Machine is a lower leg exercise and primarily targets the gastrocnemius and soleus muscles. To a lesser degree, it also works the tibialis posterior and peroneal muscles.


Exercise Rating

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The Calf Press on the Leg Press Machine is a highly effective exercise designed to target the muscles of the lower leg, specifically the gastrocnemius and soleus. By utilizing the leg press machine, this exercise allows for a controlled and isolated movement that can be easily adjusted for varying levels of resistance, making it suitable for both beginners and advanced lifters. The seated position provides stability and reduces the risk of injury, while the ability to incrementally increase weight ensures progressive overload, a key principle for muscle hypertrophy. Incorporating the Calf Press into your routine can enhance lower leg strength, improve overall lower body aesthetics, and contribute to better performance in activities that require powerful calf muscles.


How to Perform Calf Press on Leg Press Machine


  1. Adjust the seat and backrest of the leg press machine to a comfortable position.
  2. Sit on the machine with your back firmly against the backrest and your feet placed on the platform about hip-width apart.
  3. Position the balls of your feet on the lower edge of the platform, allowing your heels to hang off.
  4. Ensure your knees are slightly bent but not locked.
  5. Grip the handles or sides of the seat for stability.


  1. Begin by pressing the platform away from you using the balls of your feet, extending your ankles and pushing through your toes.
  2. Continue to press until your ankles are fully extended and you feel a contraction in your calf muscles.
  3. Hold the extended position for a brief moment to maximize the contraction.
  4. Slowly lower the platform back to the starting position by allowing your heels to drop below the edge of the platform, feeling a stretch in your calves.
  5. Repeat the movement for the desired number of repetitions.


  1. After completing your set, carefully re-rack the weight by engaging the safety locks on the leg press machine.
  2. Slowly remove your feet from the platform and stand up from the machine.
  3. Perform any necessary stretches to cool down your calf muscles.

Other Exercise Names

The exercise is also known as:

Seated Calf Press
Leg Press Calf Raise

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