




The 5/1 asynchronous split is a training method that divides workouts into different muscle groups over five consecutive days, followed by one rest day. This approach increases training frequency and volume, making it suitable for those looking to maximize muscle growth and strength gains.


  • High Frequency: Provides frequent stimulation to muscle groups for optimal growth.
  • Volume: Increases overall training volume, which can enhance muscle hypertrophy.
  • Flexibility: Can be tailored to target specific muscle groups more frequently.
  • Recovery: Includes a designated rest day to ensure proper recovery for the next week.



  • Five Training Days: Each day focuses on different muscle groups or movement patterns.
  • One Rest Day: Ensures adequate recovery to prevent overtraining.
  • Repeat: Cycle is repeated, with different exercises introduced for variety and continuous progress.

Who Should Use This Split?

  • Intermediates: Suitable for those looking to increase training volume and frequency.
  • Advanced Lifters: Ideal for experienced athletes who can handle higher training loads.
  • Not Ideal for Beginners: Due to the high frequency and volume, it might be too intense for those new to weight training.

Weekly Schedule

An example schedule of the 5 day on, 1 day off cycle could be:

Day Workout Focus
Day 1 Chest, Back, Arms, Shoulders
Day 2 Lower Body, Arms, Shoulders
Day 3 Chest, Back, Shoulders
Day 4 Lower Body, Arms, Shoulders
Day 5 Chest, Back, Arms, Shoulders
Day 6 Rest
Day 7 Repeat Cycle from Day 1

Tips for Maximizing Results

  • Proper Form: Focus on technique to avoid injuries and maximize effectiveness.
  • Progressive Overload: Gradually increase the weight and intensity to continue making gains.
  • Recovery: Ensure you get enough rest between workouts and sleep adequately.
  • Nutrition: Follow a balanced diet with sufficient protein to support muscle growth and recovery.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

  • Skipping Rest Days: Overtraining can lead to injuries and hinder progress. Proper recovery is crucial and this split has only one rest day per week. Skipping it is asking for trouble.
  • Neglecting Form: Poor technique can result in injuries and reduced effectiveness.
  • Imbalance in Training: Ensure all muscle groups are targeted equally to avoid imbalances.
  • Inadequate Nutrition: Not consuming enough nutrients can impede muscle growth and recovery. Ensure adequate calorie and protein intake.