Single-Arm Lat Pulldowns

Single-Arm Lat Pulldowns are a back exercise and primarily target the latissimus dorsi. To a lesser degree, they also work the biceps, rhomboids, and trapezius.



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The Single-Arm Lat Pulldown is a highly effective exercise designed to target the latissimus dorsi muscles, commonly known as the lats, which are crucial for developing a strong and well-defined back. By isolating each side of the body, this exercise helps to correct muscle imbalances and enhance unilateral strength, making it an excellent addition to any hypertrophy-focused workout regimen. Utilizing a cable machine, the Single-Arm Lat Pulldown also engages the biceps, shoulders, and core, promoting overall upper body stability and coordination. This exercise is particularly beneficial for those looking to improve their pull-up performance, enhance their posture, and achieve a more symmetrical physique.


How to Execute Single-Arm Lat Pulldowns


  1. Adjust the seat and knee pad of the lat pulldown machine to fit your height. Your feet should be flat on the floor, and your knees should be secured under the pad.
  2. Attach a single handle to the cable pulley.
  3. Sit down on the seat and grasp the handle with one hand, using an overhand grip (palm facing away from you).
  4. Extend your arm fully and lean back slightly, keeping your chest up and core engaged.


  1. Begin the movement by pulling the handle down towards your shoulder, leading with your elbow. Focus on engaging your latissimus dorsi (lat) muscle.
  2. Keep your torso stationary and avoid using momentum to pull the weight down.
  3. Continue pulling until the handle is at shoulder level or slightly below, ensuring a full contraction of the lat muscle.
  4. Pause briefly at the bottom of the movement, squeezing your lat muscle.


  1. Slowly and controlled, allow the handle to return to the starting position, fully extending your arm.
  2. Repeat the movement for the desired number of repetitions.
  3. Switch to the other arm and repeat the process to ensure balanced muscle development.

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