How to Start Bodybuilding: Your Journey to Muscle Growth

Published 9/18/2024

Written by: Jogi


Have you ever looked in the mirror and wished for a more muscular physique? You're not alone. Many people dream of building a strong, sculpted body, but the journey from beginner to jacked can seem daunting. That's where bodybuilding comes in – a time-tested method for transforming your physique through targeted muscle growth.

Bodybuilding isn't just about looking good; it offers numerous benefits, including increased strength, improved metabolism, and enhanced overall health if it is done naturally. But where do you start? How do you navigate the complex world of training for muscle size? Enter Get Jacked App, your ultimate companion for beginning and intermediate-level hypertrophy training.

Understanding Hypertrophy: The Science Behind Muscle Growth

What is muscle hypertrophy?

Muscle hypertrophy is the increase in muscle size through the growth of existing muscle fibers. It's the primary goal of bodybuilding and differs from strength training (which focuses on increasing the force your muscles can produce) and endurance training (which aims to improve your muscles' ability to work for extended periods). Training for strength and training for size may seem the same on the surface but they are definitely not. They are actually quite different.

Key factors influencing muscle growth

There are 3 important factors, which are biggest drivers of muscle growth

  1. Progressive overload: You should aim to gradually increase the demands on your muscles over time and train with ever increasing load
  2. Volume: Is the training variable that measures the total amount of work your muscles perform. The best way to count it is as number of working sets (or hard sets)
  3. Intensity: Is how hard you're working relative to your maximum capacity. How close do you push your muscles to their limit?

Different muscle fiber types respond differently to training, with fast-twitch fibers generally having a greater potential for growth. Proper nutrition and recovery are also crucial for muscle growth, providing the building blocks and time needed for your muscles to repair and grow stronger.

Setting Up Your Bodybuilding Foundation

Assessing your current fitness level

Before embarking on your bodybuilding journey, it's essential to know your starting point. This self-awareness helps you set realistic goals and track your progress effectively. Get Jacked App makes this process easy by providing tools to record and monitor your performance over time. Your baseline is what you can do today and we measure it. From there on out, Get Jacked will keep you progressing by providing you with the appropriate feedback after each set and training session. It is hard to improve what you don't measure, which is why Get Jacked was designed from the ground up to keep you improving at all times.

Setting realistic goals

When starting bodybuilding, it's important to set both short-term and long-term goals. Short-term goals might include mastering proper form for key exercises or consistently hitting the gym three times a week. Long-term goals could be adding a certain amount of muscle mass or achieving a specific physique. Get Jacked App's performance tracking feature helps you stay motivated by visualizing your progress towards these goals.

Designing Your Bodybuilding Workout Plan

Choosing the right training split

A training split refers to how you organize your workouts throughout the week. Common options include:

  • Full-body workouts
  • Upper/lower body split
  • Push/pull/legs split

Get Jacked App simplifies this process with its by having an in-built split selection feature, offering optimized splits based on your goals and schedule. You can easily switch splits too. For detailed guidelines, browse our splits to understand what the right way of training is.

Selecting exercises for maximum muscle growth

Effective bodybuilding routines typically include a mix of compound exercises (which work multiple muscle groups simultaneously) and isolation exercises (which target specific muscles). Check out The best hypertrophy training exercises, sorted by muscle groups. Get Jacked App's exercise swap feature allows you to personalize your workouts while ensuring you're still targeting the right muscle groups.

Structuring your workouts

For best muscle growth results as a beginner, aim for:

  • 2-4 sets per exercise
  • 8-30 repetitions per set
  • 60-90 seconds rest between sets

Get Jacked App's built-in exercise science knowledge helps you structure your workouts optimally for muscle growth. For instance, get jacked is optimised to have you do the right amount of repetitions for any exercise in question. Because lateral raises have a different repetition profile (15-30) than high bar barbell squats (8-12) do.

Mastering Proper Form and Technique

The importance of correct exercise execution

Proper form is crucial for maximizing muscle growth and preventing injuries. It ensures that you're targeting the intended muscles and minimizing strain on your joints. Get Jacked App's technique lookup feature provides on-the-spot guidance, helping you perfect your form for each exercise.

Common bodybuilding exercises and their proper form

Key exercises for major muscle groups include:

Get Jacked App provides technique cues during workouts, ensuring you're always performing exercises correctly.

Progressive Overload: The Key to Continuous Growth

Understanding progressive overload

Progressive overload is the gradual increase of weight, frequency, or number of repetitions in your strength training routine. It's the driving force behind muscle growth and strength gains. Get Jacked App helps implement progressive overload by tracking your performance and suggesting appropriate increases in your training load.

Strategies for implementing progressive overload

You can progressively overload by

  1. Increasing the weight you lift over time
  2. Performing more repetitions between sessions
  3. Adding more sets over time
  4. Decreasing rest time between sets. Decreasing the rest time results in a decreas in performance usually and is not a good way to provide overloading efforts. We advice against it in favour of the other 3 stimulus increases above.

In practice, progressive overload in a good training plan is a combination of increasing the weight, the reps and the sets performed over time.

Get Jacked App's performance tracking guides your progression, ensuring you're continually challenging your muscles. For expert tips, consider exploring advanced overload techniques shared by seasoned trainers.

Recovery and Consistency: The Unsung Heroes of Bodybuilding

The role of rest and recovery in muscle growth

Rest and recovery are when the magic happens – it's during these periods that your muscles repair and grow stronger. Training provides the stimulus for growth but growth happens during rest times. Because of that, adequate sleep and rest days are crucial for muscle growth. Get Jacked App helps balance workout intensity and recovery, ensuring you're not overtraining by providing you with training splits that have ample recovery times included. With get jacked, you train optimally!

Staying consistent with your bodybuilding routine

Consistency is key for bodybuilding success. It is far better to work out regularly even if the workouts are not perfect compared to doing perfect workouts but being inconsistent about them. Get Jacked App's features help you build lasting habits, making it easier to stay on track with your bodybuilding goals. Make the gym a priority to get results and let Get Jacked Help you build successful athlete habits.

Overcoming Common Challenges in Hypertrophy Training

Plateaus and how to break them

Plateaus occur when your progress stalls despite consistent training. Common reasons include:

  • Lack of variety in your workouts
  • Insufficient progressive overload
  • Inadequate nutrition or recovery

Get Jacked App helps you identify and overcome plateaus by suggesting workout variations and ensuring proper progression.

Balancing hypertrophy with other life demands

Integrating bodybuilding into a busy lifestyle can be challenging. Get Jacked App's flexibility allows you to adjust your training schedule as needed, ensuring you can maintain your bodybuilding routine even when life gets hectic. We have programs for you if you do not have too much time and need to be efficient. We also have programs that are optimized for the very best results. You choose.

The Get Jacked App Advantage: Your Partner in Muscle Growth

Get Jacked App offers several unique advantages for beginning bodybuilders:

  1. Evidence-based training protocols at your fingertips
  2. User-friendly features for seamless training experience
  3. Community support to keep you motivated
  4. Regular updates based on the latest exercise science research


Starting your bodybuilding journey might seem overwhelming, but with the right knowledge and tools, you can transform your body and achieve your muscle-building goals. Remember, consistency is key, and progress takes time. Embrace the process, stay patient, and trust in the science of hypertrophy.

With Get Jacked App as your guide, you have a powerful ally in your quest for muscle growth. It simplifies the complexities of bodybuilding, providing you with optimized workouts, progress tracking, and instant access to proper form and technique.

Are you ready to turn your bodybuilding aspirations into reality? Get started with us today and take the first step towards your dream physique!